Samuel has always been intelligent. As a very young toddler, he would often sit back and just watch people, and his words were few, but when he did choose to speak, it was something important being said. Sam has always been fascinated by money, math, science...and since a young age, when asked what he what he would like to be when he grows up, his answer has been: " First a police officer, then a Governor, then President of the United States, then an author. In his 5th grade yearbook, his teacher wrote, "Please don't forget to invite me to your inaugural address".
A few days ago, Sam presented me with a letter from his teacher Mrs. Queen. In a nutshell, what was said in the letter from the Oregon Department of Education was this; This year, nearly 40,000 essays were read and scored by nearly 1,000 dedicated teachers. The teacher raters are always excited when they come across essays that would be very helpful in providing writing instruction for their students or for training colleagues in understanding and using the scoring guide. This year, Samuel Shepard's essay was selected as one that would be particularly useful for these purposes.
Needless to say, we are proud. His essay was on Three Ninja's, and while I have not had a chance to read it yet, I will post it as soon as I get my hands on it. My little boy that has always had a love of reading, is now loving to write as well.
Oh, and just a side note, the other day Sam and I were at the store, and I bought a lottery ticket. Sam says to me, "Mom, do you know that you have more of a chance to become President than you do to win the lottery"?
Thanks Sam.